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Setup and Subscribe with RSS!

My friend asked how can someone stay updated on new blog posts? My thought was let me go ahead and get RSS hooked up.

What is RSS?

RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication.

It is a simple way to stay up-to-date on the websites you care about. You can subscribe to a website using the RSS feed through a feed reader and have all the updates of that website (especially blogs) aggregated to the feed reader for your peruse at your convenience.

How to set up your site to enable RSS feed

  • For Next.js you can use functions similar in this file to set up the RSS generate function
  • Then, add the function to the getStaticProps section of your blog path template
    • The idea is that you add the RSS tags to the top of the HTML page for your feed.xml
    • The Nextjs starter template that I am using, comes pre-built with RSS feature
  • Validate that your RSS feeds are valid via a Feed Validator
  • Add a RSS icon to your page with your feed link (/feed.xml)

How to subscribe to The Pour Loop RSS Feed

  • Set up an account with any feed reader, the most popular is Feedly

  • At the main page you can discover and add any websites you wish to follow

👉 Do a search for '' or '' 👉 Click on the 'FOLLOW' button on the top right to subscribe

Feedly subscribe

Afterwards, it should be in your feed to read at any time. All new updates to the website will be generated there.